State Bank
of the USSR
Currency based on Resolutions of The Sovereign International Treasury M1

Exchange rate of the State Bank of the USSR

1 Golden Soviet Ruble = 1 g of gold


1 Golden Dollar = 1 g of gold


1 Golden Pecu = 1 g of gold


In connection with the transition to the Golden Soviet Ruble with the code: M0/M1(XAU) GSR (the coefficient of which in relation to the BBR (Bank of Russia Bill) is 1:3000), from September 28, 2023, to fix and prohibit the artificial increase in prices for vital food, life-sustaining resources, medicines, fuels and lubricants and natural gas.

From March 30, 2023 The right to own, control, record, dispose and manage the trademark  the Ticket of the Bank of Russia (Russian ruble) with primary registration in London (as well as possible registration in the state company Russian Federation – Russia), which is used as a means of payment (having the sign of the ruble) by the State company Russian Federation – Russia and a foreign company (Central Bank of the Russian Federation “Bank of Russia”) registered in the State company Russian Federation – Russia on the Sovereign territory of the Great Country of the Sovereign – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in particular in the Russian Soviet Federative The Socialist Republic – Russia, Belongs exclusively to the Great Country Sovereign – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, represented by the State Bank of the USSR.

Global bans for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Since August 11, 2023, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank Rossii, the CB RF, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), its managers, employees and criminal owners throughout its existence have been deprived of Legal personality and recognized outside the CONe and outside the Law, and also declared an international criminal, terrorist, a separatist and extremist organization throughout the World.

Global bans for the Tickets of the Bank of Russia

From August 30, 2023,  the Tickets of the Bank of Russia (Russian Ruble) and any other means of payment located outside the Unified State Banking System of the State Bank of the USSR are recognized as falsified and are subject to a complete ban on any type of use and financial and payment circulation.

From August 30, 2023, any types of transfers and transactions are subject to a complete ban on the Sovereign Territory of the Great Country of the Sovereign – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and throughout the Worldwide Space of the Tickets of the Bank of Russia (Russian Ruble) and any other means of payment located outside the Unified State Banking System of the State Bank THE USSR.

Based on the Resolutions of the Sovereign International Treasury M1: No. 001/RES2020 dated April 7, 2020, No. 030/RES2023 dated March 30, 2023, in relation to the Great Country Sovereign – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Sovereign International Treasury M1 Confirms and Affirms the Absolute Legitimacy of financial and payment turnover EXCLUSIVELY in the State System of the State Bank of the USSR and only in the entire Sovereign Territory of the Great Country of the Sovereign – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of internal, temporary means of payment the Ticket of the Bank of Russia (Russian Ruble) with code: M1(XAU) BBR (briefly BBR), backed by the World Reserve Currency Gold Soviet Ruble (GSR), where 3000 (three thousand) Bank of Russia Tickets (Russian Rudder) with code: M1(XAU)ВВR (BBR for short) = (equal to) 1 (One) Gold Soviet Ruble with code: M0M1 (XAU) GSR (abbreviated as GSR).

Global Ban on Banking Activities

The financial organizations presented below, which previously called themselves Banks, are deprived of Legal Personality and are recognized as outside the CONe and outside the LAW. They are in liquidation status with a ban on any legal capacity.

ALL OVER THE WORLD SPACE, these organizations, all their owners, participants, organizers, accomplices and satellites, as well as all family members of owners, members, participants, organizers, their accomplices and satellites, have been declared international criminal, terrorist, separatist extremist organizations, and declared enemies of All-God , the Race of the Most High, the Race of Man and Nature:


Bank for International Settlements

Bank Vatikan (Institute of Religious Affairs) (Bank, Corporation)

Bank JPMorgan Chase (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Citigroup (Bank, Corporation)

Bank BNP Paribas (Bank, Corporation)

Bank HSBC (Bank, Corporation)

Bank of America (Bank, Corporation)

Bank of China (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Barclays (Bank, Corporation)

China Construction Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Deutsche Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (Bank, Corporation)

Agricultural Bank of China (Bank, Corporation)

Bank of New York Mellon (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Groupe BPCE (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Credit Agricole (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Credit Suisse (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Goldman Sachs (Bank, Corporation)

Bank ING Group (Bank, Corporation)

Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Morgan Stanley (Bank, Corporation)

Royal Bank of Canada (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Grupo Santander (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Société Générale S.A. (Bank, Corporation)

Standard Chartered Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Bank State Street Corporation (Bank, Corporation)

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Bank, Corporation)

TD Bank, N.A. (Bank, Corporation)

Bank UBS Group AG (Bank, Corporation)

Bank UniCredit Group (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Wells Fargo & Company (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Federal Reserve System (Bank, Corporation)

World Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Federal Reserve (Bank, Corporation)

National Investment Bank of Mongolia (Bank, Corporation)

Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank, Corporation)

Bank “Russia” (City of Leningrad (St. Petersburg))(Corporation)

Tinkoff Bank (Bank, Corporation)

SberBank (Bank, Corporation)

Rosbank (Bank, Corporation)

VTB Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Gazprombank (Bank, Corporation)

Alfa-Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Rosselkhozbank (Bank, Corporation)

Moscow Credit Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Sovcombank (Bank, Corporation)

Drive Click Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Otkritie Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Raiffeisenbank (Bank, Corporation)

Citibank (Bank, Corporation)

Post Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Bank Tochka (Bank, Corporation)

Ak Bars Bank (Bank, Corporation)

MTS Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Home Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Russian Standard (Bank, Corporation)

Absolut Bank (Bank, Corporation)

OTP Bank (Bank, Corporation)

VUZ-Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Renaissance Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Vanguard (Bank, Corporation)

Vostochny Bank (Bank, Corporation)

ICBC Bank (Bank, Corporation)

Commerzbank (Eurasia) (Bank, Corporation)

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) (Bank, Corporation)

Bank DOM.RF (Bank, Corporation)

*In connection with the transition to the Golden Soviet Ruble with the code: M0/M1(XAU) GSR (the coefficient of which in relation to the BBR (Ticket of the Bank of Russia) is 1:3000), from September 28, 2023,  fix and prohibit the artificial increase in prices for vital food, life-sustaining resources, medicines, fuels and lubricants and natural gas.

Who We Are

State Bank of the USSR

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What We Do

State Bank of the USSR

Compliance with the Legislation of the USSR

Compliance with the Regulations of the Sovereign International Treasury M1

Compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers

Basel III compliance

State Regulation and Supervision of Banking Activities

The Largest State Depository of XAU Gold Bars

Unified State Payment and Settlement System of the USSR

Investment in State, Social and Environmental Projects

The Main Regulator
of The World Banking System

State Bank of the USSR is a part of The Main Regulator of The World Banking System The World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers.
Bank News

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Государственный банк СССР

Информационная инструкция

На основании программных корректировок и настроек в банковской системе Гб СССР, в том числе и по активации новой, надёжной и Стабильной Международной платёжной Системы "М1 Swift", просим всех клиентов банка в период настройки системных мер «НЕ ОТПРАВЛЯТЬ» средства на свои счета, открытые в Гб СССР.
Также информируем всех клиентов банка о том, что финансовые переводы клиентов на их счета Гб СССР находятся в процессе начисления, о чем они будут проинформированы по электронной банковской почте.
Спасибо за понимание и терпение.